Thursday, 11 April 2013

Attacked the poor thing

Couple of hours in the garage left me with a nice big pile of parts

Thursday, 4 April 2013

Rotten luck

This is the supposedly structural repair someone had done. As you can see the rust was pretty major

Before it all began

Seat/luggage rack ideas

Spent the evening at my brothers discussing a few ideas and we came up with a few sketches

Wednesday, 3 April 2013

A quick introduction

I've started this blog to document the restoration/customization of Joe 90 my 1989 Honda C90 CUB. I bought the bike about a year ago as a cheap and easy to use run around, my other bike being a BMW K75rt and me not being the most built dude it wasn't the easiest thing to use so a CUB made sense. I'd previously owned a CUB which I was knocked off of just after turning 18 and I remembered just how much of a giggle they were.
After a couple of months riding around on Joe and nearly stuffing him into the back end of everything else on the road I decided to change the brake shoes. Upon removing the front brake I discovered that the main problem was the somewhat stiff brake mechanism and cable. New shoes in the front and some WD40 later and the wheel would lock no problem. That's when the lazy bit of me kicked in and the back brake was put on hold until a couple of months later. Having finally gotten fed up pulling the sticking rear brake lever up with my toes it was time to strip the back end and repeat the process. That's when it all went wrong!
After removing the rear plastic mudguard I discovered a serious amount of tin worm just behind the suspension mounts that some genius had bogged up. At that point I decided to take the bike off the road and do the repairs properly. One idea has sort of led to another and what was going to be a cheap repair on a cheap run around has become a bit of a project, however with no welding ability I was (and still am) relying on mates for a good old amount of help. Fortunately for me, my mates are mostly petrol heads so with a bit of luck and a lot of tea bags we should end up with a pretty cool custom cub.